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The Guide

1. Spend less time on social media

2. Create a list of 3 priorities

3. Schedule time for self care

4.Let go of toxic people

5. Learn to say no

6.Declutter your life

7. Slow down

8. Spend time with the people who matter to you

9. Make time to be alone

10. Try and focus on your health

11. Dont worry, let it all go

12. Value and Appreciate what you already have and whats around you


14. Ignore people who threaten your joy.

Day 1: Recognising.

Some people ask why bother? Why did you bother changing you're lifestyle? well there are many reasons but the only one I can think is the most important is I was extremely unhappy, with myself and the way I was living my life. But I couldn't figure out why I was so unhappy, I had everything I thought I could possibly want, a perfect boyfriend, a gorgeous baby girl, I had all the processions I wanted, so I couldn't figure out why I was still unhappy, I visited the doctors and they told me I probably have postnatal depression. 6 months went by and I was still unhappy.
I was sat in the room, willow was playing with her toys and I was scrolling through social media this women influencer came up and she was beautiful even with no make up on, she was skinny, tanned sat on some beach, so I clicked on her profile , she had the life. She had a nice house, designer clothes, bags, shoes you name it she had it. but seeing all this made me feel really shit about myself, made me want to be skinner, buy the clothes, bags, shoes which she had, the really big house, and then I stopped and thought to myself why I am I sat here, making myself bloody miserable, and then I realised why I was so unhappy, the constant need to WANT. Instead of enjoying what I already had. So I deleted social media, facebook,snapchat etc... on Instagram I unfollowed all the people which made me feel negative about myself. You know I'm not having a go at those people if there happy with living there life like that, then good for them everyone deserves happiness. so rest of the day stayed off it. and you know what I got so much done, and I actually lived my life, it was so refreshing. Me and willow got more time together I actually got housework done, all the time I was spending on my phone I could of been doing more of these important things. So I made a list of things I could each day to improve my life, by making it much more simple, and instantly I felt happy.
 so ever so slowly i created what i thought is the guide of happiness, i hope you will enjoy.

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