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  • chloegoddard19

Baby led weaning.

When Willow turned 6 months old, i decided its time to start weaning her, as i had never heard of baby led weaning before i didn't think to start by doing it, instead a couple of times a day i would try and feed willow purees out the jars for weeks on a spoon, and everyday the more and more i tried she really just didn't want to eat it off a spoon, i started looking online and couldn't really find anything to help, it just kept saying that my baby wasn't ready, but deep down i knew she was. because as a mother you have these weird sense type things with your baby, anyway i went to one of the many baby groups i attended and one of the mother in there mentioned that when there baby becomes the right age she will start to wean her using baby led weaning, and said how much of a success it was with her first child, so as soon as i got home i tried it, sat willow in her highchair and placed some sliced banana in front of her, and to my surprise she nearly ate the whole thing, i was so excited, nearly cried mind you i was so proud of her, and i didn't have to do anything she did it all.


Your baby should be able to sit upright in a highchair and You watch your baby at ALL times when eating.


1. They get used to different food textures from the beginning.

2. Your little one has the chance to choose ,pick up and explore food themselves. Helping them to gain independence.

3. Some parents worry that baby led weaning is more likely to cause their little baby to choke than spoon feeding but their is no evidence to this.

4. Baby led weaning can be messier than spoon feeding. whether you're spoon feeding or baby led weaning you're bound to have some mess at this age.

5.Your baby can be offered food that the whole family is eating, with little need for further preparation.

6. Parents often say that babies who choose what to feed themselves have wider food tastes.

If you got any questions, or would like to give any feedback my email is:

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